In this page you will find materials for stories written in book “The Complete Guide to Godly Play, Volume 6”

All these are enrichment presentations to be integrated with Volume 2


Second Creation

  • 2 trees, standing Adam and Eve, snake

  • Hand painted story icon

  • Wool underlay



  • Wooden Ram, plaque of 3 strangers and cave

  • Containers of sand and stars

  • Bowl of fire, burning wood, knife, piece of string

  • Hand painted story icon and Wool underlay



  • Tent, well, spring of water

  • Cave, two baby baskets

  • Hand painted story icon

  • Wool underlay



  • Piece of fur, 2 bridal veils

  • Bowl, ladder, rock

  • Hand painted story icon and wool underlay



  • Sack for grain and mini creation card

  • Pouch with 20 metal coins

  • Wood cow, pyramid and corn

  • Hand painted story icon and wool underlay



  • Wooden basket

  • Wool reeds and Red Sea, linen sack for grain

  • Wooden burning bush, quail, staff, golden calf, broken tablets, a gold wood ark

  • Hand painted story icon and wool underlay



  • 2 people of God figures

  • Felted river and basket

  • Small model of Bethlehem and wooden crown

  • Hand painted story icon sand wool underlay



  • Wooden Ark of the covenant and crown

  • Coat and sleeping mat

  • Glass vial for oil and altar of incense

  • Hand painted story icon and wool underlay


King David

  • Wooden ark of the covenant, harp, staff, crown

  • Small glass vial of oil, sling and 5 rocks

  • Hand painted image of Jerusalem and Bethlem

  • Mini parable box, green underlay, 5 sheep, 2 houses

  • Hand painted story icon and purple wool underlay



  • Hand painted image of Elijah in chariot

  • Wooden crown, raven, two altars and 12 rocks

  • linen sack, vial for oil

  • Hand painted story icon and wool underlay



  • Hand painted “Holy, Holy” image, 3 story images, wolf and sheep

  • Wooden statue of mother, grape, coal, 1 People of God

  • Matt grey chain, candle, garment, scroll, 3 baskets, strip of wool

  • Hand painted story icon and wool underlay



  • Wooden shofar, lion and wolf, summary of the Ten Best Ways

  • Linen belt, clay shards in linen sack, matt grey chain

  • Cup of “poison“ and plate of bad food

  • Hand painted image of Jerusalem, story icon and wool underlay



  • Hand painted vision of Ezekiel and two shepherds

  • Collection of “dry bones” in linen sack, clay brick and scroll

  • Matt grey chain and vial for water

  • Hand painted story icon and grey wool underlay



  • Hand painted image of golden figure, stone wall with a Hebrew text

  • Stone golden statue, lion's den and matt grey chain

  • Hand painted Daniel’s four visions and story icon

  • Grey wool and colorful fabric underlay



  • Three wooden animals and whirlwind

  • Four wool squares

  • Fishing line and hook

  • Hand painted story icon and wool underlay



  • Wooden heart and crown

  • Golden staff and comb

  • Summary of law

  • Hand painted story icon and wool underlay


Hand Painted Story Icons

Engraved wood items

  • All Volume 6 story icons

  • + NEW psalm and Esther icons

  • + Jonah and Mary, the mother of Jesus story icons


It is recommended that these lessons not be used until after the core lessons of Volumes 2, 3, and 4.

A fluency in the core stories helps enhance the use of the Volume 6 lessons as they are used to deepen the meaning of the core stories.

  • Enrichment Lesson 1: Second Creation: The Falling Apart

  • Enrichment Lesson 2: The Story of Abraham

  • Enrichment Lesson 3: The Story of Sarah

  • Enrichment Lesson 4: The Story of Jacob

  • Enrichment Lesson 5: The Story of Joseph

  • Enrichment Lesson 6: The Story of Moses

  • Enrichment Lesson 7: The Story of Ruth

  • Enrichment Lesson 8: The Story of Samuel

  • Enrichment Lesson 9: The Story of King David

  • Enrichment Lesson 10: The Story of the Prophet Elijah

  • Enrichment Lesson 11: The Story of the Prophet Isaiah

  • Enrichment Lesson 12: The Story of Prophet Jeremiah

  • Enrichment Lesson 13: The Story of Prophet Ezekiel

  • Enrichment Lesson 14: The Story of Daniel

  • Enrichment Lesson 15: The Story of Job

  • Enrichment Lesson 16: The Story of Esther